Thursday, November 19, 2020

Weight Loss Exercises After C Section

Weight loss to get rid of your c-section pouch will not be easy. develop a weight loss plan for toning that tummy. for healthy weight loss, aim to lose about a pound per week. at this rate, it will take you 15 weeks (about 4 months) to lose 15 pounds of baby weight post s-section.. Your recovery from a c-section takes longer than from a vaginal birth, so don’t immediately rush into a weight-loss program. wait until six weeks post-partum, or two months if you’re breast-feeding, to attempt to lose weight. then gradually start an exercise program, eat right and continue breast-feeding to help shed those pounds.. Walking is your best bet for cardio exercise after a c-section, and it's a great reintroduction to activity after being sedentary. while it's not the best fat-burning exercise, it does still burn calories. depending on how fast you walk and your weight, you can burn between 240 and 500 calories an hour, according to harvard health publishing..

weight loss exercises after c section

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While the body heals and the core begins to naturally tighten over the course of the first month post-birth, there are things you can do to help speed up weight loss after a c-section.

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